But then we have had VBS since Monday. We have had between 140-160 attendance this week so far. Which is GREAT. But it makes a LOT of kids in every room. I had the 2 and under group. We only had 7 kids so far but we have 4 teachers so it has been really great. Josh has had the 5th and 6th grade with Jimmy Jones. They have had 15-20 a night. He has really enjoyed it. We have had 3 kids get saved so far which if one got saved it makes the whole process worth all the tiredness and stress. We have had supper every night, music by Miss Tina Jones who is doing a great job teaching these kids all the VBS songs, crafts by Lindsey and Leslie, and Missions by Kimberly Posey. So the kids have been very busy while we are there. Now it's Friday night and our class was supposed to play outside in the pool and sprinkler but it's raining. JUST great. You can't really hold 2 year olds attention for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. I'm sure we will manage. Well here are some pictures from this week so far...
Miss Emily. She was one of my favorites. I could just eat her up she is so cute.
Well that's about all of VBS for now. But I promise there will be more we have a swimming party Sunday. And I really want a picture of the kids and their shirts. We made shirts with their hands on one side and it said take my hand and... and on the back it said follow me to Jesus and it had their feet. Really cute but it took forever to do. Two year olds don't have much of an attention span. I hope that everyone had a blessed week like I have.
OHHH YEAH... Almost forgot
And on another note. Awhile back I asked you to pray for this little baby whose button was on the right on my screen. Well the " MOM " of April Rose made the whole story up. She used the " blogging " world to get money and sympathy and notoriety all from a fictitious story. There were many involved that believed her and helped this woman but in the end it just goes to show you got to be care full who you chose to help.
Looks like you have all had a great time at Vacation Bible School this week.
I'm now following YOU!!!! :0)....he he he ......Sorry I can't believe I wasn't following you sooner!!! Maybe my computer was being "dramatic" that day and it wouldn't let me :0)
Who's doing "His Will Wednesdays" now???
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